Welcome in!

You can call me Thaum and this is my website where I am just fooling around. I used to have a Geocities site waaaaay back in the day but that is like a distant dream, now it's time for something brand new! I like to make stuff and think about stuff. If you like to think about my stuff let me know and we can be friends! I hope you enjoy your stay.

This site is a work in progress, I am mainly working on adding all the places I want to go before styling anything so stay tuned for more funky vibes as time marches on!

Site Guide

There are a lot of projects in progress (including this website!) so feel free to explore but a lot of the site is still under construction.

  • Meet the Artist - Typical "About me" page.
  • Zines - My zines are all free to read online! There is also information on trading here, I will eventually have a PO box as well.
  • Where to find me

    I'm not particularly active on any SM but for comments, questions, or even just to chat I keep all my info in a linktree so use whatever you're most comfortable with. If you prefer to email I can be reached at thaumaturgy.arts@gmail.com (Not checked often but I will get to you!).